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Math and Science Classes

The BRI Math club offers a wide variety of school level and competitive math classes.

Science classes cover Science Olympiad topics and different subjects of science.


Grade 1-3


For 1-3 grades, we plan to teach Math Kangaroo. Math Kangaroo is an international math competition for students of all grade levels that focuses on logical combination, not just pure knowledge of formulas.


Grades 4-5

For 4-5 grades, we plan to teach Beast Academy, Math Olympiad, or Math League to provide competitive math training for elementary school students not yet able to take the AMC 8. The curriculum will be a combination of conceptual lectures and mock tests to get students familiar with more advanced concepts. Each class will include practice test problems and a lecture on one or two specific math topics. 


grades 6-8



For 6-8 grades, we plan to teach AMC 8. The AMC 8 tests mathematical problem solving skills with algebra 1, pre-algebra, arithmetic, counting, geometry, logic, number theory, and probability.

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